Addictions North East working in partnership with Greggs Foundation, Ballinger Charitable Trust, County Durham Community Foundation and Fareshare Charity are tackling issues relating to food poverty via our Breakfast and Lunch clubs. Operating Monday to Friday the club is a thriving addition to our regular schedule of therapeutic support and open to all who use our service.

The breakfast and lunch clubs are an excellent opportunity to mix with others in the service and staff in a nonformal setting. This service is open to and enjoyed by all service users. It allows those who use the service to connect and learn new skills whilst also learning how to cook a balanced and nutritious meal, whilst paying attention to a budget.

Skills and practices like this are just one of the many ways Addictions North East help facilitate a bridge to normal living. Services like these breakfast and lunch clubs have so much value beyond nutrition and we wish to thank Greggs Foundation, Ballinger Charitable Trust, County Durham Community Foundation and Fareshare for working in partnership with us.