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1. I usually get fun and enjoyment out of life

2. I trust people I know

3. I’m not fussy about little details

4. I can’t decide what kind of person I want to be

5. I show my feelings for everyone to see

6. I let others make my big decisions for me

7. I get upset when I hear bad news about someone I know

8. Giving in to some of my urges gets me into trouble

9. Many people I know envy me

10. I give my general impression of things and don’t bother with details

11. I’ve never been arrested

12. People think I’m cold and detached

13. I get into very intense relationships that don’t last

14. Most people are fair and honest with me

15. People have a high opinion of me

16. I feel awkward or out of place in social situations

17. I’m too easily influenced by what goes on around me

18. I usually feel bad when I hurt or upset someone

19. I find it difficult to throw out things

20. At times I’ve refused to hold a job, even when I was expected to

21. When I’m praised or criticised I let others know how I feel

22. I use people to get what I want

23. I spend too much time trying to do things perfectly

24. People often make fun of me behind my back

25. I’ve never threatened suicide or injured myself on purpose

26. My feelings are like the weather; they’re always changing

27. To avoid being criticised I prefer to work alone

28. I like to dress so I can stand out in a crowd

29. I will lie or con someone if it serves my purpose

30. I am more superstitious than most people

31. I have little or no desire to have sex with anyone

32. People think I’m too strict about rules and regulations

33. I usually feel uncomfortable

34. I won’t get involved with people until I’m certain they like me

35. I would rather not be the centre of attention

36. I think my spouse (or lover) may be unfaithful to me

37. People think I have too high an opinion of myself

38. I am careful about what I tell others about myself

39. I worry a lot that people may not like me

40. I often feel “empty” inside

41. I work so hard, I don’t have time left for anything else

42. I worry about being left alone and having to care for myself

43. I have tantrums or anger outbursts

44. I have a reputation for being a flirt

45. I feel very close to people I’ve just met

46. I prefer activities that I can do myself

47. I lose my temper and get into physical fights

48. Some people think I’m tight or stingy with my money

49. I often seek advice or reassurance about everyday decisions

50. To get people to like me I help them with unpleasant jobs

51. I’m afraid of making a fool of myself with people I’m close to

52. I often mistake objects or shadows for people

53. I’m very moody

54. It’s hard for me to get used to a new way of doing things

55. I daydream about being famous

56. I take chances and do reckless things

57. Everyone needs a friend or two to be happy

58. I discover hidden threats in what some people tell me

59. I usually try to get people to do things my way

60. When I’m under stress things around me don’t seem real

61. I get annoyed when people won’t do what I ask

62. When a close relationship ends, I can hardly wait to start a new one

63. I avoid unfamiliar activities so I won’t be embarrassed trying to do them

64. People find it hard to get the point of what I’m saying

65. I prefer to associate with talented people

66. I’ve been the victim of unfair attacks on my character or reputation

67. I don’t show much emotion

68. I do things to get people to admire me

69. I’m usually able to start projects on my own

70. People think I’m odd or eccentric

71. I feel at ease in social situations

72. I’ve held grudges against people for years

73. I find it hard to disagree with people I depend on a lot

74. It’s hard for me to stay out of trouble

75. I go to extremes to try to keep people from leaving me

76. When I first meet someone I don’t say much

77. I have close friends